Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why does what we believe about God matter for the discipline of sociology?

Taken at its face, sociology is simply the study of human relationships and interactions.  As sociologists we attempt to understand the structures and influences on human beings and how those will affect people.  So what does God have to do with this?  In a world that values diversity, and is pluralistically influenced, this question is considered a taboo.  We aren’t allowed to introduce God into an equation or a model, because that will open up too much controversy.  Instead, we take God out of the equation, and the result is we have a form of institutionalized atheism at work.  This is all well and good, provided that the atheistic model is an accurate reflection of reality.  However, if there really is a God, then we are forcing ourselves to willfully ignore an aspect of reality.  This limits our ability to analyze human interactions, to model and successfully help people, and to have the full impact that we might strive for.  Let us look at one example of what happens when we put God into a model and compare the theistic vs atheistic models. 
If we are using the theistic model (here using the Judeo-Christian God), then what we find is there is literally an entire dimension of human reality that is not being taken into consideration when we are looking at the most basic of human relationships.  Now let’s see what happens when we examine the basis of authority in each of these models.

Here, we have one person achieving authority or leadership over another.  This is due to a perceived superiority on the part of one person, and inferiority on the part of the other.  This could even be as simple as status, a person with a PhD ignoring a valid criticism of a person who only has an MA for instance.
Now, this isn’t to say that this model hasn’t been absolutely horrendously abused over the years.  People take the authority they were given and use it for evils which were never meant to be committed.  I’m not remotely going to try and justify those actions here.  And I’m still processing all of this if I’m honest.  However, the purpose of this is to demonstrate that what we believe about God as a presupposition is important if we are to offer a proper representation of reality, by showing that there is a distinction between the way we will explain the source of authority in interpersonal relationships.  This has broader implications, into the way we evaluate inequalities for instance.
Now, we may still develop theories that work in spite of whether or not our beliefs in God are correct or not.  We may have models in place that explain a portion of reality.  However, if we really want to develop an accurate conception of reality, then we need to look beyond the raw data that we gather.   Our findings are colored and interpreted through a set of lenses.  These lenses are made up of our theological and philosophical beliefs.  These are not testable, there isn’t an experiment that will prove the existence of God or the nonexistence of God.  Here we must rely on logic and develop a theory that works in line with logical mandates like the infinite causality principle.  Ignoring metaphysical questions as if they were the realm of ignorant savages will not help us understand reality, we have to tackle these more nebulous concepts as will if we are to truly begin understanding the full picture of the complexity of human relationships.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Let Us Begin...

If one is to write a blog, it might be a good idea if one has a subject.  But what should I be writing about?  I could strive to become the foremost expert in all things related to Transformers, though I’m pretty sure Ryan over at has me beat on that.  I could use it as an outlet for my thoughts during my sociological and theological studies without having to cite a source for every single idea that has popped into my head.  I could use it as a place to talk about my frustrations and revelations as I go through life, sharing my fears and joys with the world at large.  I know some who use their blog as a family newsletter.  Perhaps it is best if, rather than trying to have a solitary subject and focus, I opt to pick “all of the above”. 

True, it would make this blog a multi-faceted hodgepodge of subject matters and ideas, but isn’t that basically what it means to be human?  I think it is, I believe that being human means we are multi-faceted and that it is dehumanizing to actually try and reduce us down to one single descriptive category.  Not that we aren’t organized hierarchically.  Surely there are things in our lives that influence us more than others.  The human equation, for an advocate of critical realist personalism is far too complex to be so narrowly focused.  

But why share my thoughts and ideas?  I never really thought that having a blog was a good idea, fearing I might become someone who is just spouting half-baked ideas into the maelstrom of thought that has become the background noise of our society.  Or worse, doing what I have seen others do and using this as a platform to silence others as a tyrant rather than encouraging dialogue and developing ideas.  After all, I am just a layman.  I have a fairly simple life.  Much as I might like to change the world, I think so monumental a task is well beyond me.  The only reason I can see to share my thoughts and ideas is the hope that perhaps God will use me to help another.   If I can spare someone from making some of my mistakes, if I can share an insight that helps another, then I suppose that is sufficient reason to have done so.

So here we go, where is this going to lead, no clue.  But for those interested in seeing a bit more behind my mask, hearing my thoughts and ideas and watching them develop then I thank you for your interest.  I could really use some subject matter to start with so if anyone wants to pitch out a thought or two I’d really appreciate it.
